Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Activity For Tradition and Custom

I. Activity 1

Now, after reading the above information, complete the following paragraph with appropriate words taken from the text.
William is a volunteer from the USA teaching at a school in a village in Indonesia. The first time he comes to Indonesia, he knows only little information about Indonesian’s common tradition. When he is (1) __________________________ to an elder person, he does not (2) ____________________ his body, but he just says “Hi, it’s nice to meet you”. As a volunteer, he stays with an Indonesian traditional family. When he is invited to a lunch, he is very surprised because the family eats with (3)________________________ instead of with spoon and fork. After finish their lunch, William wants to help the hostesses (4) _________________ and (5)________________ the dishes but the hostesses forbids him to do so because it is considered impolite.

II. Activity 2

Write T (True) when the statement describes the customs and tradition in Indonesia as stated on the passage; F (False) when the statement is in contradiction with the customs and tradition in Indonesia as stated on the passage ; and NG (not given) when the statement is not cited on the passage.

1.Caroline, a new student from the USA visits Tono, her friend who studied in the USA. They used to be close friend. When Caroline meets Tono, she hugs Tono.

2.Caroline must call Tono before visiting him, because it is impolite to visit someone without making an appointment.

3.Andrew who comes from Australia is invited to have a dinner in a restaurant by his Indonesian friend. When they finish eating, Andrew pays his own bill and he wants his friend to pay his own bill too.

4.When eating rice, most Indonesians use spoon and knive.

5.When I was travelling by bus, I saw an old lady standing in front on me because there was no seat available on the bus. I stood up and gave her my seat.

Students, how do find learning about custom of our country? Interesting, isn’t it? Now, you should learn more about the diversity of culture of Indonesia, especially East Java. In the following page, you can watch an interesting video about “Bantengan” traditional art of Malang, East Java.


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